Malo, today is April 10, 2013.
Two big things happened here and we had pictures but Reed pushed the wrong button when copying them from the camera and deleted them all. We were so sad, but we could not get them back. One event on Thursday March 28th was a really fun missionary day for the middle school. Brother Fata, who on Saturday during General Conference was just sustained as the Area Seventy for Samoa, spoke to the students. He did a great job talking about being a missionary now. He told them to do four things, open your mouth, be a missionary now by the way you talk, act and think, you are the church, and no buts. The students really responded. Then they divided them into groups to go to four different missions, Spanish speaking, English speaking, Tagalog speaking and Papua New Guinea. They learned a scripture, I am a Child of God song and their testimony and then presented them before the whole school in the afternoon. They really enjoyed themselves.
The other big thing, which we lost the pictures for, was on Saturday March 30, 2013. One of our YSA girls, Ingrid Taavao got married. We were able to attend her wedding to Leon Roache at the church. We were a little sad it wasn't a Temple wedding but glad to be there. The Stake President, President Utai, married them and then they took pictures, which we deleted so sad, and then had a dinner at Sunset Restaurant which was Chinese but they let them bring in their Samoan food and served it along with the Chinese food. It was very nice.
Now for things we do have pictures of. On Easter Sunday, March 31st we took the ferry after church over to Savai'i to spend the night and Monday with the Budgett's. They fed us a great Sunday dinner and we walked around the Vaiola campus before it got dark. The campus is up in the mountains a little so the air is a little cooler than where we live. It was nice!
This is the sign on the main road letting you know where to turn and the picture below is of the main campus where the teachers live, there are student dormitories up to 40 boys and 40 girls live on campus and then the school. They have around 100 acres up there so the teachers actually have little plantations they work and the dormitory kids grow some of their own food. They have shops and rugby and net ball fields. It is very nice.
The dorm kids have to climb that hill and white wash those rocks once a year.
Reed loved these rusted out buses with vines and all kinds of plants growing through them.
On Monday morning, April 1st we got up and headed to Le Lagoto resort to snorkel. They let the Budgett's snorkel there for free so it was great. The day was perfect and the water was just the right temperature. Very refreshing and we saw a lot of nice fish.
We just put a couple of pictures in. The water was so clear and we saw just a big group of all different fishes swimming around together. It was relaxing to just watch.
We went back to Budgett's ate lunch, changed clothes and went to hike a volcano crater. There wasn't much of a trail but it was a great little short hike. Lots of beautiful scenery.
Below is a picture of a big sow. She was just wallowing in the muddy water as we were trying to get through the gate to the ferry. We finally got her to move enough so we could get past. This is a common sight here in Samoa.
On Thursday, April 4, 2013 the middle school had a field day. They ran the 100, 200, 400, 800 meters and did some relays. They did the long jump, high jump and discus. Pretty much no one did any training so there were students laying on the ground with leg cramps and quitting half way through a race. It was very interesting to watch. They had a lot of participation and the kids acted like they were having a great time. These guys all support each other and laugh and just have fun. Some are competitive but most of them are just out to have a good time!
First they lined up in houses. Each color is a different house the Red Sun, Blue Marlin, Green Giant and Yellow Submarine. Then they have prefects just like Harry Potter.
After the students lined up they had them parade around the track with their houses.
A lot of the students ran barefoot and others were sharing shoes because they thought it would help them run faster.
This is Sister Fuatimau's daughter doing the high jump. She participated in the long jump, also.
They had the students competing in grade levels. The girls did the discus and then the boys had their turn.
The is brother Lolo, he is the middle school principal. He was the one shooting off the starting gun the whole day.
Both boys and girls did the discus.
Handing off the baton for the 4x400 relay.
Hope you enjoyed seeing some of the beautiful sights and people we are getting to know here in Samoa. We are well and keeping plenty busy. It is nice to have different things to do. Reed has become the official photographer for all the activities it seems. He loves being involved. Until next time. Love Elder and Sister Spencer
Below is Katherine, a girl from our ward, doing the long jump.
We love seeing all the neat things you are doing with the people. What special memories you are making.